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Thematic Data Tables

Each of the 19 thematic tables shares the same generalized structure. For 1990 data files:


GB90SXQ		Guo Biao code	    I		      6 
X1990001	Data value 001	    F		     14.2
X1990002	Data value 002	    F		     14.2
X199000n	Data value 00n	    F		     14.2

Note: X = data category class. Variable designations include the year (1990) so that the same variable designation scheme can be used for other years. Thus C1990001 indicates variable 001 in the C (population) theme in the 1990 dataset. In 1991 this variable would be labeled C1991001.

Data Categories: The following are the categories by which the variables have been organized. There is one table per category. Though variables may have limited coverage, each file contains all administrative units to facilitate merging with the boundary coverage. Where there is no value for a given variable, one of the special missing data codes has been entered. Refer to categories below for more information on the name and contents of each tabular file. Information on procedures used to check the accuracy of data during the entry phase is available in data collection table.

A Administrative Divisions and Natural Resources
B General Survey
C Population
D Employment and Wage
E Investment in Fixed Assets
F Public Finance
G Prices
H People's Livelihood
J Agriculture
K Industry
M Energy and Production Materials
N Transportation, Postal and Telecommunication Services
P Construction
Q Domestic Trade
R Foreign Trade and Tourism
S Banking and Insurance
T City Construction and Environmental Protection
U Education, Science, Patents and Culture
V Sports, Health Care, Social Welfare and Others

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage