The following provides information contained in the tabular datafiles. Refer to the provincial coverage list for 1990 or 1991 to get information on the coverage by province. Information is also available on the units of measure and missing data codes.
1990m1.dbf, 1991m1.dbf dBase IV datafiles 1990m1.e00, 1991m1.e00 ARC/INFO export files
V_ID = variable ID, where X = 0 for 1990 variables and X = 1 for 1991 variables (eg. M1990003 is in 1990 file and M1991003 is in 1991 file). CVER1990 = number of counties reported in 1990 CVER1991 = number of counties reported in 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V_ID CVER1990 CVER1991 Variable Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M199X001 344 299 Annual Consumption of Electricity M199X002 344 271 Annual Consumption of Electricity of Industry M199X003 272 284 Consumption of Electricity by Household
SPECIAL NOTE: The 1990 Zhejiang yearbook provided statistics on 3 cities that added together both data for the city and its surrounding county. For these units the missing code of -88888 has been entered in the city's and county's record. The data which have been excluded are:
--------------------------------------------------------------- GB Code M1990001 M1990002 --------------------------------------------------------------- 330301 61138 40286 (which includes 330321) 330701 41322 30195 (which includes 330721) 330801 119742 113044 (which includes 330821)
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