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Prices Variables

The following provides information contained in the tabular datafiles. Refer to the provincial coverage list for 1990 or 1991 to get information on the coverage by province. Information is also available on the units of measure and missing data codes.

Files and formats
  1990g1.dbf,  1991g1.dbf   dBase IV datafiles
  1990g1.e00,  1991g1.e00   ARC/INFO export files

V_ID = variable ID, where X = 0 for 1990 variables and X = 1 for 1991 
       variables (eg. G1990003 is in 1990 file and G1991003 is in 1991 file).
CVER1990 = number of counties reported in 1990
CVER1991 = number of counties reported in 1991
V_ID      CVER1990  CVER1991  Variable Description
G199X001      62        48    Urban Staff and Workers' Cost of Living Index
G199X002      62        48    Retail Price Index of Consumer Goods
G199X003      25        10    Food Price Index

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage