The following provides information contained in the tabular datafiles. Refer to the provincial coverage list for 1990 or 1991 to get information on the coverage by province. Information is also available on the units of measure and missing data codes.
1990s1.dbf, 1991s1.dbf dBase IV datafiles 1990s1.e00, 1991s1.e00 ARC/INFO export files
V_ID = variable ID, where X = 0 for 1990 variables and X = 1 for 1991 variables (eg. S1990003 is in 1990 file and S1991003 is in 1991 file). CVER1990 = number of counties reported in 1990 CVER1991 = number of counties reported in 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V_ID CVER1990 CVER1991 Variable Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S199X001 193 193 Deposit Balance of Banking Institutions S199X002 113 130 Deposit by Banks with Deposit Balance of Banking Institutions S199X003 315 205 Loan Balance of Banking Institutions S199X004 183 417 Bank Loans in Loan Balance of Banking Institutions S199X005 146 199 Loans for Circulating Fund in Loan Balance of Banking Institutions S199X006 146 199 Fixed Assets Loans in Loan Balance of Banking Institutions S199X007 210 261 Agricultural Loans in Loan Balance of Banking Institutions S199X008 250 372 Cash Revenue of National Banking System S199X009 250 372 Cash Expenditures of National Banking System S199X010 146 234 Cash Expenditures for Wages and Other Payments to Individuals by National Banking System S199X011 197 312 Total Number of Insurance Policies S199X012 180 296 Premiums Paid for Insurance Policies S199X013 180 299 Settled Awards for Claims S199X014 118 118 Incomes of the Insurance Business S199X015 118 118 Expenditure for Insurance Claims S199X016 75 75 Ratio of Loans for Circulating Funds to Total Loan S199X017 75 75 Ratio of Loan for Fixed Assets to Total Loan S199X018 0 75 Ratio of Expenditure for Wages to Total Expenditure of National Banks System
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