Chinese Characters Chinese Characters

Missing data codes

The following are the different missing codes used in the tabular datafiles associated with the Provincial Yearbook database.

-999999: Used for county-level units belonging to a province for which a yearbook was not available.

-99999: Used for county-level units belonging to a province that did not report on the given variable.

-88888: Used for county-level units that did not report on the given variable, though other county-level or prefectural-level units in the province they belong to did.

-77777: Used for county-level units that were not included in the provincial yearbooks.

-66666: Used for Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan and islands under Taiwan administration.

-55555: Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai Shixiaqu data was not normally available. For many variables, the individual urban qu's have reported values. Values for the shixiaqu (which are the units used in the coverage, ey901) must be constructed by the user.

-44444: Water body not under county-level administration (eg., Qinghai Lake).

-33333: Diaoyu dao, Huangwei yu and Chiwei yu.

Last modified on 21 February, 1998 Return to CITAS Homepage