Chinese Characters Chinese Characters

Variable Information Table

This table contains information on all the variables in the 19 thematic tables.


    NAME       Short name (e.g., GVIAO)[String,8]
    V_ID1990   Variable ID in 1990 (eg., C1990001)[String,8]
    V_ID1991   Variable ID in 1991 (eg., C1991001)[String,8]
    DEF        Description of variable[String,254]
    DEF_CHN    Description in Chinese (GB encoded) [String,150]
    UNITS      Unit of measure, e.g., hectares, 10 000 yuan [String,40]
    AGGTYPE    Appropriate aggregation rule [String,8]
                  e.g., A=additive, WP=Weighted by population 
    CVER1990   Number of counties reporting data for variable in 1990 [Integer,4]
    CVER1991   Number of counties reporting data for variable in 1991 [Integer,4]

File and format
    varinfo1.dbf  dBase IV datafile
    varinfo1.e00  ARC/INFO export file

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage