Chinese Characters Chinese Characters


The datasets are of two types. The first type is the raw data, the listing of the institutions as recorded in the directories; the second type are various aggregations of these data to the county level. Data of the first type are described under the heading

Institution Listing.

The second type of dataset is county aggregations based on the raw data. These aggregations have been done separately for hospitals and for epidemiological stations. Within these categories, the aggregations have been done based on two different schemes, the shixiaqu (SXQ) scheme, and the municipality compatible (MC) scheme, which unites many urban municipalities with their surrounding counties. SXQ and MC mappings are explained in the document County Boundaries of China .

Hospitals by county

Epidemiological stations by county

Additional information regarding this dataset, including issues of data quality and error, can be found in this data commentary.

Last modified on 17 March, 1998 Return to CITAS Homepage
RS85 Number of hospital years(cumulative since 1950), 1950-1985
Files and formats:
   hosmc.sav		SPSS datafile
   hosmc.dat		ASCII datafile

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage
ospital foundings, 1950-1985 HCNT50 ... HCNT85 Number of hospitals (cumulative on foundings), 1950-1985 HYRS50 ... HYRS85 Number of hospital years(cumulative since 1950), 1950-1985
Files and formats:
   hosmc.sav		SPSS datafile
   hosmc.dat		ASCII datafile

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage
ALIGN=LEFT> Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage .02 21:36 B C:\temp\citas web\Wwwroot\data\hospital\sechalf.mpg <-- /temp/citas web/Wwwroot/data/hospital sechalf.mpg