Chinese Characters Chinese Characters

County Boundaries of China

Each set of socioeconomic tabular data has been matched to an administrative base map (derived from CIESIN/CASM/CITAS map. Geocoding is based on the PRC standard administrative guobiao (GB) coding sheme.

Technical specifications:

Scale: 1:1,000,000
Unit: meters
Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic
First standard parallel: 25.00N
Second standard parallel: 47.00N
Central meridian: 110.00E
Latitude of projection's origin: 10.0N
The CASM coverage divides some urban areas into city districts (i.e.,sub-SXQ divisions). This linework is preserved in the CITAS coverages but the urban polygons have been coded to match the aggregation scheme (usually MQ or SXQ) used in the coverage's matching dataset. For background on the different aggregation schemes (MQ, SXQ, and MC), see discussion of administrative units.

Coverages available:

Mid-year 1990 coverage, MQ

End-year 1990 coverage, SXQ

End-year 1991 coverage, SXQ

Access to Data

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage