ChinaT, Analytic Variables ANALYTICAL VARIABLES: DEMOGRAPHIC t501 H size of city/town residents t102/t101 t502 Sex ratio of city/town residents t103/t104 t503 Sex ratio of the nonagricultural P t106/t107 t504 Approx. P density of built-up area, persons/ t102/t282 t505 P density of the SXQ, persons/ T09 C8 t506 Crude birth rate, 1989-90 T08 C2 t507 Crude death rate, 1989-90 T08 C4 t508 State/collective workers: Primary-ind. pct of total t271/t270 t509 State/collective workers: Secondary-ind. pct of total t272/t270 t510 State-collective workers: Tertiary-ind. pct of total t273/t270 t511 Private-sector as pct of total labor force t274/t274+t270 ANALYTICAL VARIABLES: CONSUMPTION AND SERVICES t551 Travel: Trips per capita t201/t102 t552 Retail sales per capita t203/t102 t553 Food processing industry: Output value per capita t206/t102 t554 Food/drink industry: Output value per capita t209/t102 t555 Printing industry: Output value per capita t210/t102 t556 Per capita GNP of tertiary industry t211/t102 t557 Commerce/food/drink: National income per capita t213/t102 t558 Posts/Telecomm. business per capita t214/t102 t559 Insurance coverage per capita t220/t102 t560 Higher education: Students per H t231/t101 t561 Higher education: Students per capita t231/t102 t562 Vocational-school students per H t232/t101 t563 Vocational-school students per capita t232/t102 t564 Middle-school students per H t233/t101 t565 Middle-school students per capita t233/t102 t566 Public library holdings: Volumes per capita t238/t102 t567 Health-agency beds per capita t241/t102 t568 Health-care professionals per capita t243/t102 t569 Medical doctors per capita t244/t102 t570 Telephones per 100 persons (cf. T55 C4) t251/t102 t571 Residential electricity consumption per capita t253/t102 t572 Annual income per capita T64 C1 t573 Expenditures per capita T64 C2 t574 Annual outlay for food per capita T64 C3 t575 Annual outlay for clothing per capita T64 C4 t576 Annual outlay for other daily necessities per capita T64 C5 t577 Savings per capita at year-end (cf. T64 C7) t254/t102 ANALYTICAL VARIABLES: ORGANIZATIONAL ECOLOGY t601 Average receipts per post office t214/t215 t602 Average P served per post office t102/t215 t603 Higher education: Instructors per institution t227/t223 t604 Higher education: Students per institution t231/t223 t605 Higher education: Students per instructor t231/t227 t606 Vocational schools: Teachers per school t228/t224 t607 Vocational schools: Students per school t232/t224 t608 Vocational schools: Students per teacher t232/t228 t609 Middle schools: Teachers per school t229/t225 t610 Middle schools: Students per school t233/t225 t611 Middle schools: Students per teacher t233/t229 t612 Secondary+: Instructors per institution t230/t226 t613 Secondary+: Students per institution t234/t226 t614 Secondary+: Students per instructor t234/t230 t615 Average P served per movie facility t102/t235 t616 Average P served per movie theater t102/t236 t617 Average P served per public library t102/t237 t618 Mean library size (holdings per library) t238/t237 t619 Average P served per health-care agency t102/t239 t620 Mean no. of beds per health-care agency t241/t239 t621 Mean no. of health professionals per health agency t243/t239 t622 Average P served by hospital t102/t240 t623 Mean no. of beds per hospital (hospital size) t242/t240 t624 Mean no. of medical doctors per hospital t244/t240 t625 Average GVIO per state industrial enterprise t268/t275 t626 Average GVIO per collective enterprise t269/t276 t627 Mean no. of workers per state/coll. enterprise t270/t275+t276 ANALYTICAL VARIABLES: ECONOMIC t651 Annual freight per capita t202/t102 t652 Annual freight in relation to domestic GNP t202/t261 t653 Commodity sales in relation to circulation costs t203/t204 t654 Commodity sales in relation to capital in circ. t203/t205 t655 Commodity circ. costs in relation to capital in circ t204/t205 t656 Food/beverages output value as pct of nat'l income t209/t255 t657 GNP of primary industry as pct of total GNP t262/t261 t658 GNP of secondary indsutry as pct of total GNP t263/t261 t659 GNP of tertiary industry as pct of total GNP t211/t261 t660 Transport/comm. nat'l income as pct of total t212/t255 t661 Commerce/food/drink nat'l income as pct of total t213/t255 t662 Outstanding bank loans in relation to total savings t216/t254 t663 Bank loans in relation to national income t216/t255 t664 Bank loans in relation to domestic GNP t216/t261 t665 Bank loans: ratio of fixed to liquid assets t218/t217 t666 Loans to agriculture as pct of all bank loans t219/t216 t667 Bank loans per capita t216/t102 t668 Insurance: Ratio of premiums to coverage t221/t220 t669 Insurance: Ratio of payments to coverage t222/t220 t670 Insurance: Ratio of payments to premiums t222/t221 t671 Insurance coverage in relation to nat'l income t220/t255 t672 Insurance coverage in relation to domestic GNP t220/t261 t673 No. of telephones in relation to national income t251/t255 t674 Electrcity use in relation to domestic GNP t252/t261 t675 Electricity use in relation to national income t252/t255 t676 Electricity use in relation to GVIAO t252/t264 t677 Residential electricity consumption as pct of total t253/t252 t678 Savings in relation to national income t254/t255 t679 National income from agriculture as pct of total t256/t255 t680 National income from industry as pct of total t257/t255 t681 Nat'l income from light industry as pct of total t258/t255 t682 Nat'l income from heavy industry as pct of total t259/t255 t683 National income from construction as pct of total t260/t255 t684 National income per capita t255/t102 t685 GNP of primary industry as pct of total GNP t262/t261 t686 GNP of secondary industry as pct of total GNP t263/t261 t687 GNP per capita t261/t102 t688 GVIAO per capita t264/t102 t689 GVIO per capita t265/t102 t690 GVIO of light industry as pct of total GVIO t266/t265 t691 GVIO of heavy industry as pct of total GVIO t267/t265 t692 GVIO of state enterprises as pct of total GVIO t268/t265 t693 GVIO of collective enterprises as pct of total GVIO t269/t265 t694 GVIO per worker, state/collective enterprises t268+t269/t270 CONSTRUCTED ANALYTICAL VARIABLES t701 Municipal centrality index t702 Level in the central-place hierarchy See t701 and t702 variable codings.
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