Chinese Characters Chinese Characters

T701 and T702 variable codings

 T701	Municipal centrality index 
    Weight	Component
     .094	t216  Total bank loans outstanding at year end 
     .093	t244  No. of medical doctors 
     .093	t239  No. of health-care agencies 
     .093	t211  GNP of tertiary industry 
     .092	t210  Output value of the printing industry 
     .091	t203  Total commodity sales 
     .089	t230  No. of teachers, secondary schools and higher 
     .089	t238  Total holdings (volumes) of public libraries 
     .089	t214  Annual gross receipts of Posts/Telecommunications 
     .089	t206  Output value of food-processing industry 
     .088	t202  Total annual freight by land/sea/air 

Each component has a Pearson correlation coefficient of .80 or higher with every 
other component.

t702  Level in the central-place hierarchy
1  A Apex metropolis 
   2  C Central metropolis 
   3  M Regional metropolis 
   4  R Regional city 
   5  G Greater city 
   6  L Local city 
   7  T Central town 
   8  I Intermediate town 
   9  S Standard market town 
   0    Suburban center not counted as an independent central place 

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