Chinese Characters Chinese Characters


The major references used in the creation of this database are:

(1) The series of GB code publications from the Chinese National Bureau of Standards, including: Guojia Jishu Jiandu Ju (National Technical Supervisory Bureau). Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Xingzheng Quhua Daima (Codes for the Administrative Divisions of the People's Republic of China) (GB 2260-91), 1991. Also consulted were: GB 2260-82; GB 2260-84; GB 2260-86; GB 2260-88.

(2) Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Minzheng Bu (Ministry of Civil Administration). Xingzheng Quhua Jiance (Handbooks of the Administrative Divisions), 1983 - 1993.

(3) Li Shaofeng, Zhang Ai, and Ding Yaxiang. Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Xingzheng Quhua Daima Ziliao Shouce (Manual of the Codes for the Administrative Divisions of the People's Republic of China), Kexue Puji Chubanshe (Science Dissemination Press), 1991.

(4) Chen Chao and Wang Xiguang. Zhongguo Xianshi Zhengqu Yange Shouce (Manual of the Changes to the Administrative Districts of China), Zhongguo Ditu Chubanshe (China Cartographic Publishing House), 1991.


GB Codes of China was produced by Alana Boland, Alisa Chang, Jie Guo, Ning Gu, Jianxue Huang, Qin Tang, and Kathy Yuan at CITAS, and with assistance of Professor Yao Xurong of the Chinese Academy of of Surveying and Mapping (CASM) in Beijing. We gratefully acknowledge the advice of Professor G. William Skinner.

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage