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Province codings

The GB code consists of six digits. The first two digits represent the province. The next two represent the prefecture: codes 01 - 20 and 51 - 70 are used for shengxia shi (cities under provincial administration); 21 - 50 for diqu (prefectures). The last two digits represent the county: codes 01 - 18 for shixiaqu (urban districts) or dixiashi (cities under prefectural administration); 21 - 80 for xian (counties); and 81 - 99 for shengxia xianjishi (county-level cities under provincial administration). Province codings are provided below.

   Beijing	110000
   Tianjin	120000
   Hebei	130000
   Shanxi	140000
   Nei Menggu	150000
   Liaoning	210000
   Jilin	220000 
   Heilongjiang	230000
   Shanghai	310000
   Jiangsu	320000
   Zhejiang	330000
   Anhui	340000
   Fujian	350000
   Jiangxi	360000
   Shandong	370000
   Henan	410000
   Hubei	420000
   Hunan	430000
   Guangdong	440000
   Guangxi	450000
   Hainan	460000
   Sichuan	510000
   Guizhou	520000
   Yunnan	530000
   Xizang	540000
   Shaanxi	610000
   Gansu	620000
   Qinghai	630000
   Ningxia	640000
   Xinjiang	650000
   Taiwan	710000 

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