Chinese Characters Chinese Characters

Variable Codings

C-gbcode     Six-digit GB Code
   First 2 digits:	province code
   Second 2 digits:	prefectural code         
   Third 2 digits:	county code

C-source     Source of GB Code		
   GB	GB Code source book (Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo Xingzheng Quhua Daima) 
   OT	Other GB code reference, title indicated in NOTES
   CM	CASM assigned code (determined based on coding pattern)
   CS	CITAS assigned code (determined based on coding pattern)

N-hanzi      Name in Chinese characters
   Chinese characters in BIG-5 code.

H            Prefectural-level unit to which county-level unit belongs
   1 Municipal province (zhixiashi)
   2 Municipal prefecture (dijishi with xian) whose central city is a provincial capital
   3 Municipal prefecture (dijishi with xian) not a provincial capital
   4 Prefectural municipality (dijishi without xian) that is a provincial capital
   5 Prefectural municipality (dijishi without xian) not a provincial capital
   6 District (diqu)
   7 Autonomous department (zizhizhou)
   8 League (meng)
   9 Directly administered by the province (shengzhixia danwei); no prefectural unit
   0 unit is not county-level

A            County-level administrative status of this unit
   1 Shixiaqu or shiqu of a dijishi 
   2 Individual qu within shixiaqu 
   3 County-level municipality (xianjishi) analogous to a county (typically formed from an intact xian)
   4 County-level municipality (xianjishi) that is tightly bounded having been carved out of a xian 
   5 County
   6 Autonomous county (zizhixian)
   7 Banner (qi)
   8 Autonomous banner (zizhiqi)
   9 Qu other than urban or periurban
  10 Shixiaqu or shiqu of dijishi without urban qu
   0 unit is not county-level

change       Changes that brought current unit into being 
   C Change in the GB Code
   N Change in the name (excluding changes to generic element - xian, shi, qu, etc.)
   H Change in the higher-level unit, either in its rank or name
   A Change in the administrative status of this unit
   T Change in the territorial extent of unit (boundary change)
   X Undetermined

   Note:  A combination is used to indicate change in more than one dimension 
(e.g. CA represents changes in GB code and administrative status of a given unit).
Since the changes are those that brought the current unit into being, those with 
fromdate of 19820101, will have nothing entered in this field.  NOTE:  This field is not complete to date.

P            Prefectural-level admininstrative status of this unit
   1 Municipal province (zhixiashi)
   2 Municipal prefecture (dijishi with xian) whose central city is a provincial capital
   3 Municipal prefecture (dijishi with xian) not a provincial capital
   4 Prefectural municipality (dijishi without xian) that is a provincial capital
   5 Prefectural municipality (dijishi without xian) not a provincial capital
   6 District (diqu)
   7 Autonomous department (zizhizhou)
   8 League (meng)
   9 Directly administered by the province (shengzhixia danwei); no prefectural unit
  10 Prefectural-level unit equivalents in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai
   0 Unit is not prefectural-level and is not directly administered by a province

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage