Chinese Characters Chinese Characters


These layers are ARC/INFO coverages, converted (see extraction procedure for more information) from the Digital Chart of the World (Vector Product Format version by the Defense Mapping Agency). They are distributed in ARC/INFO export files (ASCII files). The DCW VPF version is in the public domain. For information on the Digital Chart of the World and Vector Product Format, please refer to the following documents:

  1. Military Specification -- Digital Chart of the World Database (MIL-D-89009)
  2. Military Standard -- Vector Product Format (MIL-STD-600006)
Both documents can be obtained from the Defense Printing Service, 700 Robins Ave. (Bldg. 4D), Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094 U.S.A.

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage