Chinese Characters Chinese Characters

14 July 1994, rev 11 Aug 94

ChinaT Dataset, Central Places 1990

This dataset contains a record for every central place in China that was the central 
city of a shi (municipality) or classed as a zhen (town) as of 1 July 1990. Point-
in-time data are for mid-year 1990, unless otherwise noted; annual data are for 
calendar year 1990. Population data for both kinds of central places are taken from 
the 1990 census tables. Economic and other non-demographic data on the shixiaqu of 
municipalities are taken from Zhongguo chengshi tongji nianjian 1991 (Statistical 
yearbook of China's municipalities. Beijing: State Statistical Bureau, 1991). Data 
on the position of central places in the transport grid were coded from Zhonghua 
jenmin gonghe jiaotong tu (Beijing, 1991). The dataset contains 12,163 records, of 
which 452 are for central cities of municipalities in existence at mid-year 1990 and 
15 are for the central cities of municipalities formed during the second half of 1990. 
ID numbers contain 8 digits, the first 6 of which correspond to the ID of the 
county-level unit in which the central place is located. Municipal central cities 
have been assigned 00 as the final two digits of the ID, except for the 15 cases 
whose status changed from zhen to shi during July-Dec 1990. Since these cases are 
covered by the municipalities yearbook even though they were only zhen at our 
reference date, we have flagged their peculiar status with a special code. The 
various zhen within a given county-level unit have been assigned final digits 
beginning with 01 in the order of their appearance in the census tables.

The short designation of any variable is a number preceded by t (for "town), 
indicating the ChinaT dataset, which is to be distinguished from ChinaA (for "area"), 
the 1990 dataset with records for county-level administrative units. Blocks of 
variable numbers have been assigned as follows:
	t01 - t99	Unit-control variables
	t101 - t499	Raw-data variables
	t501 - t999	Analytical variables
Non-Han names are not entered in ChinaT because they are not available for most of 
the zhen in minority areas. When the central city of a municipality has a non-Han 
name, it can be found in the record for that municipality in ChinaA.

© G. William Skinner 
  Department of Anthropology 
  University of California 
  Davis CA 95616

t01	1990 ID number (8 digits)
t02	Chinese name
t03	Pinyin name of the central place
t04	Pinyin name of the county-level unit in which it falls
t05	Administrative status of the central place
t06	Type of central place
t08	Assignment to China Proper (1) or Inner Asia (0)
t09-93	Provisional macroregional assignments
t05	Administrative status of the central place, 1990
There are 14 values, defined by position in a cross-tabulation of two dimensions. 
One has to do with municipal/zhen status, the other with status as a capital.

cc = central city
						Province Prefecture County 
Not a
 						 capital  capital   capital
Cc of municipal province 			    1
Cc of municipal prefecture			    2	     4
Cc of prefectural municipality			    3	     5
Cc of municipal county					     6	     8
Cc of county municipality				     7	     9
Zhen							    10	    11
Town not designated shi or zhen  				    13 

(Even though they may not be used for records in the tabular dataset, values 13 and 
14 are needed to code small towns that appear on our vectorized maps.)

t06  Type of central place

1  Cc of shi as of midyear 1990
2  Zhen or qu at midyear but cc of shi by endyear 1990
3  Zhen (usual type with urban residential committee), apart from (2)
4  Formally a zhen but with no P under urban residential cmt.
5  Qu or diqu (counted as zhen)
6  Xiang seat
7  Paichusuo (police station) (counted as zhen)
8  Mine
9  Site of factory or firm 


Since central places along interregional frontiers may be oriented to more than one
regional economy, it is necessary to have separate binary variables for each of the 

t09  Inner Asia

t11  Manchuria Proper
t12  Manchuria: Tumen Border
t13  Manchuria: Northeast Border
t14  Manchuria: North Border

t21  North China: North
t22  North China: South
t23  North China: East

t31  Northwest China: Wei-Fen
t32  Northwest China: Upper Yellow River

t41  Upper Yangzi Proper
t42  Upper Yangzi: Upper Han Basin

t51  Middle Yangzi Proper
t52  Middle Yangzi: Gan Basin
t53  Middle Yangzi: Yuan Basin
t54  Middle Yangzi: Guilin

t61  Lower Yangzi Proper
t62  Lower Yangzi: Linhai
t63  Lower Yangzi: Wenzhou

t71  Southeast Coast: Min Basin
t72  Southeast Coast: Zhang-Quan
t73  Southeast Coast: Han Basin

t80  Lingnan

t91  Yungui Proper
t92  Yungui: Guiyang
t93  Yungui: South border
t94  Yungui: Southwest Border

						H= household(s)
						M = male(s)
						F = female(s)
						P = population (M+F)

t101  City/town residents: No. of H	    Table 2-11 (zhen) or a151 (shi)
t102      "	   "	: P				Table 2-11 or a152
t103      "	   "	: M				      "    or a153
t104      "	   "	: F				      "    or a154
t105  Non-agric. P of SXQ or township: P 		Table 2-12 or a159
t106      "      "     "        "    : M 		      "    or a160
t107      "      "     "        "    : F 		      "    or a161
t108  Excess or deficit of non-agric. P over residents	       t105 - t102
t109  Approximate non-agricultural urban P 

   * 1) When t105<t102, t109=t105.
     2) When t102=0, figure t109 as t105/3.
     3) When t105>t102, calculate t105 as follows:

   When t105/t102>1.0 but <2, t109= (t102 + t106)/2 
           "      2.0   "  3    " = (  " + .95 t106)/2 
           "      3.0   "  4    " = (  " + .90   " )/2 
           "      4.0   "  5    " = (  " + .85   " )/2 
           "      5.0   "  6    " = (  " + .80   " )/2 
           "      6.0   "  7    " = (  " + .75   " )/2 
           "      7.0   "  8    " = (  " + .70   " )/2 
           "      8.0   "  9    " = (  " + .65   " )/2 
           "      9.0   " 10    " = (  " + .60   " )/2 
           "     10.0   " 11    " = (  " + .55   " )/2 
           "     11.0           " = (  " + .50   " )/2 



    Indicators of central functions
t201  Travel: Annual no. of person-trips (add 0,000)		T34 C2
t202  Total annual freight by land/sea/air, in 10,000 tons	T34 C4
t203  Total commodity sales in ¥10,000				T46 C2
t204  Total commodity circulation costs in ¥10,000		T46 C4
t205  Ann. ave. amt. of commercial capital in circ., ¥10,000	T46 C8
t206  Food processing industry: Output value in ¥10,000		T24 C11
t207  Beverage industry: Output value in ¥10,000  		T24 C12
t208  NOT USED
t209  Food and beverages: Output value in ¥10,000 		t206+t207
t210  Printing industry: Output value in ¥10,000  		T24 C21
t211  GNP of tertiary industry in ¥10,000			T14 C8 
t212  Transport/communic.: National income in ¥100 million	T13 C7
t213  Commerce/food/drink: National income in ¥100 million	T13 C8
t214  Posts/telecommunic: annual gross receipts in ¥10,000	T55 C2
t215  No. of post offices at year-end				T55 C1
t216  Total bank loans outstanding at year-end in ¥10,000 	T52 C2
t217  Bank loans for investment in liquid assets in ¥10,000	T52 C4
t218  Bank loans for investment in fixed assets in ¥10,000	T52 C6
t219  Bank loans for agriculture outstanding year-end, ¥10,000	T52 C8
t220  Total amount of insurance coverage in ¥10,000		T53 C2
t221  Total insurance premiums paid in ¥10,000			T53 C4
t222  Total insurance payments on claims in ¥10,000		T53 C6
t223  No. of institutions of higher education			T66 C2
t224  No. of secondary-level vocational schools			T66 C4
t225  No. of middle schools					T66 C6
t226  Total no. of secondary schools and higher			t223+t224+t225
t227  No. of instructors in higher education			T67 C2
t228  No. of teachers in secondary vocational schools		T67 C4
t229  No. of middle-school teachers				T67 C6
t230  Total no. of teachers, secondary and higher 		t227+t228+t229
t231  Enrolled students in higher education			T68 C2
t232  Enrollment in secondary vocational schools  		T68 C4
t233  Enrollment in middle schools				T68 C6
t234  Total enrollments, secondary schools and higher		t231+t232+t233
t235  No. of facilities for showing movies			T70 C2
t236  No. of movie theaters					T70 C4
t237  No. of public libraries					T70 C6
t238  Total holdings of public libraries, in 1000 volumes 	T70 C8
t239  Total no. of health-care agencies  			T72 C1
t240  No. of hospitals   					T72 C2
t241  No. of beds in all health-care agencies			T72 C3
t242  No. of hospital beds					T72 C4
t243  No. of technical health-care personnel			T72 C5
t244  No. of medical doctors					T72 C6
    Other economic variables
t251  No. of telephones at year-end				T55 C3
t252  Annual electricity consumption in 100 million kw hrs	T55 C5
t253  Residential electricity consumption in 100 m kw hrs 	T55 C7
t254  Total deposited savings at year-end in ¥10,000		T64 C6
t255  Total national income in ¥100 million			T13 C1
t256  Agriculture: National income in ¥100 million		T13 C2
t257  Industry: National income in ¥100 million   		T13 C3
t258  Light industry: National income in ¥100 million		T13 C4
t259  Heavy industry: National income in ¥100 million		T13 C5
t260  Construction industry: National income in ¥100 million	T13 C6
t261  Domestic GNP in ¥100 million				T14 C2
t262  GNP of primary industry in ¥100 million			T14 C4
t263  GNP of secondary industry in ¥100 million   		T14 C6
t264  GVIAO in ¥100 million					T15 C6
t265  GVIO in ¥100 million					T22 C2
t266  GVIO of light industry in ¥100 million			T22 C4
t267  GVIO of heavy industry in ¥100 million			T22 C6
t268  GVIO of state enterprises in ¥100 million   		T23 C2
t269  GVIO of collective enterprises in ¥100 million		T23 C4
t270  Labor force, state/collective enterprises (add 0,000)	T10 C2
t271  Workers in state/coll. primary industry (add 0,000) 	T10 C4
t272  Workers in state/coll. secondary industry (add 0,000)	T10 C6
t273  Workers in state/coll. tertiary industry (add 0,000)	T10 C8
t274  Labor force in private sector				T11 C2
t275  No. of state industrial enterprises			T20 C2
t276  No of collective industrial enterprises			T20 C4
    Miscellaneous variables
t281  Surface area in sq. km.					T09 C2
t282  Built-up area in sq. km.					T09 C3


t501  H size of city/town residents				t102/t101
t502  Sex ratio of city/town residents				t103/t104
t503  Sex ratio of the nonagricultural P 			t106/t107
t504  Approx. P density of built-up area, persons/  	t102/t282
t505  P density of the SXQ, persons/			T09 C8
t506  Crude birth rate, 1989-90  				T08 C2
t507  Crude death rate, 1989-90  				T08 C4
t508  State/collective workers: Primary-ind. pct of total 	t271/t270
t509  State/collective workers: Secondary-ind. pct of total	t272/t270
t510  State-collective workers: Tertiary-ind. pct of total	t273/t270
t511  Private-sector as pct of total labor force  		t274/t274+t270

t551  Travel: Trips per capita					t201/t102
t552  Retail sales per capita					t203/t102
t553  Food processing industry: Output value per capita   	t206/t102
t554  Food/drink industry: Output value per capita		t209/t102
t555  Printing industry: Output value per capita  		t210/t102
t556  Per capita GNP of tertiary industry			t211/t102
t557  Commerce/food/drink: National income per capita		t213/t102
t558  Posts/Telecomm. business per capita			t214/t102
t559  Insurance coverage per capita				t220/t102
t560  Higher education: Students per H   			t231/t101
t561  Higher education: Students per capita			t231/t102
t562  Vocational-school students per H   			t232/t101
t563  Vocational-school students per capita			t232/t102
t564  Middle-school students per H				t233/t101
t565  Middle-school students per capita  			t233/t102
t566  Public library holdings: Volumes per capita 		t238/t102
t567  Health-agency beds per capita				t241/t102
t568  Health-care professionals per capita			t243/t102
t569  Medical doctors per capita 				t244/t102
t570  Telephones per 100 persons (cf. T55 C4)			t251/t102
t571  Residential electricity consumption per capita		t253/t102
t572  Annual income per capita   				T64 C1
t573  Expenditures per capita    				T64 C2
t574  Annual outlay for food per capita  			T64 C3
t575  Annual outlay for clothing per capita			T64 C4
t576  Annual outlay for other daily necessities per capita	T64 C5
t577  Savings per capita at year-end (cf. T64 C7) 		t254/t102


t601  Average receipts per post office   			t214/t215
t602  Average P served per post office   			t102/t215
t603  Higher education: Instructors per institution		t227/t223
t604  Higher education: Students per institution  		t231/t223
t605  Higher education: Students per instructor   		t231/t227
t606  Vocational schools: Teachers per school			t228/t224
t607  Vocational schools: Students per school			t232/t224
t608  Vocational schools: Students per teacher			t232/t228
t609  Middle schools: Teachers per school			t229/t225
t610  Middle schools: Students per school			t233/t225
t611  Middle schools: Students per teacher			t233/t229
t612  Secondary+: Instructors per institution			t230/t226
t613  Secondary+: Students per institution			t234/t226
t614  Secondary+: Students per instructor			t234/t230
t615  Average P served per movie facility			t102/t235
t616  Average P served per movie theater 			t102/t236
t617  Average P served per public library			t102/t237
t618  Mean library size (holdings per library)			t238/t237
t619  Average P served per health-care agency			t102/t239
t620  Mean no. of beds per health-care agency			t241/t239
t621  Mean no. of health professionals per health agency  	t243/t239
t622  Average P served by hospital				t102/t240
t623  Mean no. of beds per hospital (hospital size)		t242/t240
t624  Mean no. of medical doctors per hospital			t244/t240
t625  Average GVIO per state industrial enterprise		t268/t275
t626  Average GVIO per collective enterprise			t269/t276
t627  Mean no. of workers per state/coll. enterprise		t270/t275+t276


t651  Annual freight per capita  				t202/t102
t652  Annual freight in relation to domestic GNP  		t202/t261
t653  Commodity sales in relation to circulation costs		t203/t204
t654  Commodity sales in relation to capital in circ.		t203/t205
t655  Commodity circ. costs in relation to capital in circ	t204/t205
t656  Food/beverages output value as pct of nat'l income  	t209/t255
t657  GNP of primary industry as pct of total GNP  		t262/t261
t658  GNP of secondary indsutry as pct of total GNP		t263/t261
t659  GNP of tertiary industry as pct of total GNP		t211/t261
t660  Transport/comm. nat'l income as pct of total		t212/t255
t661  Commerce/food/drink nat'l income as pct of total		t213/t255
t662  Outstanding bank loans in relation to total savings 	t216/t254
t663  Bank loans in relation to national income   		t216/t255
t664  Bank loans in relation to domestic GNP			t216/t261
t665  Bank loans: ratio of fixed to liquid assets 		t218/t217
t666  Loans to agriculture as pct of all bank loans		t219/t216
t667  Bank loans per capita					t216/t102
t668  Insurance: Ratio of premiums to coverage			t221/t220
t669  Insurance: Ratio of payments to coverage			t222/t220
t670  Insurance: Ratio of payments to premiums			t222/t221
t671  Insurance coverage in relation to nat'l income		t220/t255
t672  Insurance coverage in relation to domestic GNP		t220/t261
t673  No. of telephones in relation to national income		t251/t255
t674  Electrcity use in relation to domestic GNP  		t252/t261
t675  Electricity use in relation to national income		t252/t255
t676  Electricity use in relation to GVIAO			t252/t264
t677  Residential electricity consumption as pct of total 	t253/t252
t678  Savings in relation to national income			t254/t255
t679  National income from agriculture as pct of total		t256/t255
t680  National income from industry as pct of total		t257/t255
t681  Nat'l income from light industry as pct of total		t258/t255
t682  Nat'l income from heavy industry as pct of total		t259/t255
t683  National income from construction as pct of total		t260/t255
t684  National income per capita 				t255/t102
t685  GNP of primary industry as pct of total GNP 		t262/t261
t686  GNP of secondary industry as pct of total GNP		t263/t261
t687  GNP per capita						t261/t102
t688  GVIAO per capita						t264/t102
t689  GVIO per capita						t265/t102
t690  GVIO of light industry as pct of total GVIO 		t266/t265
t691  GVIO of heavy industry as pct of total GVIO 		t267/t265
t692  GVIO of state enterprises as pct of total GVIO		t268/t265
t693  GVIO of collective enterprises as pct of total GVIO 	t269/t265
t694  GVIO per worker, state/collective enterprises		t268+t269/t270

t701  Municipal centrality index
t702  Level in the central-place hierarchy 
T701	Municipal centrality index 

    Weight	Component

     .094	t216  Total bank loans outstanding at year end 
     .093	t244  No. of medical doctors 
     .093	t239  No. of health-care agencies 
     .093	t211  GNP of tertiary industry 
     .092	t210  Output value of the printing industry 
     .091	t203  Total commodity sales 
     .089	t230  No. of teachers, secondary schools and higher 
     .089	t238  Total holdings (volumes) of public libraries 
     .089	t214  Annual gross receipts of Posts/Telecommunications 
     .089	t206  Output value of food-processing industry 
     .088	t202  Total annual freight by land/sea/air 

Each component has a Pearson correlation coefficient of .80 or higher with every 
other component.

t702  Level in the central-place hierarchy

   1  A Apex metropolis 
   2  C Central metropolis 
   3  M Regional metropolis 
   4  R Regional city 
   5  G Greater city 
   6  L Local city 
   7  T Central town 
   8  I Intermediate town 
   9  S Standard market town 
   0    Suburban center not counted as an independent central place 

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