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gbcenmq GB Code for mid-year 90, at merged qu level of aggregation nmcenmq Name of administrative unit in pinyin nmhanzi Name of administrative unit in chinese characters a6status Status of data (IMPORTANT TO REFER TO THIS WHEN USING DATA) a6poly Indicates the primary record for repeating data DP = primary polygon DS = secondary polygon DX = polygon with missing data a601 Rural population (add 0,000) NCJJ a602 Rural labor force, inclusive (add 0,000) " a603 Rural labor force in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing (add 0,000) " a604 Labor force in rural industry (add 0,000) " a605 Total area under cultivation (thousand hectares) " a606 All crops sown area (thousand hectares) " a607 Grain sown area (thousand hectares) " a608 Cotton sown area (thousand hectares) " a609 Oil crops sown area (thousand hectares) " a610 Grain output (tons) " a611 Cotton output (tons) " a612 Oil output (tons) " a613 Meat output (tons) " a614 Agricultural mechanization (10,000 watts) " a615 Tractor-plowed area (thousand hectares) " a616 Irrigated area (thousand hectares) " a617 Fertilizer used (tons) " a618 Electricity used (10 million watt-hours) " a619 Value of collective units' product (10,000 yuan) " a620 Gross value of agricultural output (10,000 yuan) " a621 Gross value of rural industrial output (10,000 yuan) " a622 Net value of agricultural output (10,000 yuan) " a623 Adjusted GVAO (10,000 yuan) " a624 Purchased output (10,000 yuan) " NCJJ: Zhongguo fenxian nongcun jingji tongji gaiyao 1990. Beijing, 1991.

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