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Institution Listing

This dataset contains the raw data taken from the directories. Note that in cases in which the year of founding was missing, the average year of founding in the prefecture was attributed to produce the variable YEARA. The resultant values are used in subsequent county-level aggregations. Fewer than 1% the founding dates were missing.


   GB86SXQ	1986 GB Code, merged by SXQ
   GB86MC	1986 GB Code, merged by MC
   TYPE		Institution Type				
                 Value  Label				
                   1    Hospital				
                   2    Epidemiological Station
   SPEC		Specialty (See code list)
   YEAR		Year founded (missing values: -99)
   YEARA		Year founded (including attributions based on neighboring units)
   BEDS		Number of beds (missing values: -99)
   PERS		Total personnel (missing values: -99)
   TECH		Specialized staff (missing values: -99)
   DAYS		Patient days (missing values: -99)
Files and formats:
   hos_epi.sav	SPSS datafile
   hos_epi.dat	ASCII datafile 

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage
, 1950-1985 HYRS50 ... HYRS85 Number of hospital years(cumulative since 1950), 1950-1985
Files and formats:
   hosmc.sav		SPSS datafile
   hosmc.dat		ASCII datafile

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage
ospital foundings, 1950-1985 HCNT50 ... HCNT85 Number of hospitals (cumulative on foundings), 1950-1985 HYRS50 ... HYRS85 Number of hospital years(cumulative since 1950), 1950-1985
Files and formats:
   hosmc.sav		SPSS datafile
   hosmc.dat		ASCII datafile

Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage
ALIGN=LEFT> Last modified on 12 May, 1997 Return to CITAS Homepage .02 21:36 B C:\temp\citas web\Wwwroot\data\hospital\sechalf.mpg <-- /temp/citas web/Wwwroot/data/hospital sechalf.mpg